Friday 19 November 2010

Art and Design Gifted and Talented students work with the Humanities Faculty to produce Art for display

The Art and Design G&T students have been working on a brief set by Mrs Hester (Head of Geography) to create a canvas which depicts the Humanities Logo, based on an Art Student’s (Simon Stirling- Year 10) design.
The logo was created in a previous project where Gifted and Talented Art and Humanities students came together to share ideasand work on the design
The canvas was completed by Gifted and Talented (Art) students Simon Stirling, Jenny Jones, Andrew Jones, Rowan Parfee, Chloe Auger and Rebecca Smith – all in Year 10.
These students used their Personal Learning and Thinking Skills to be excellent Creative Thinkers, Team Workers and Effective Participators.
Well done to all for the hard work and excellent outcome!

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Art and Design Year 9 students make international connections by working with Teachers from Nigeria

A collection of Year 9 Art and Design Students had the incredible opportunity to work with a number of teachers from Nigeria. Mrs Andre (International Schools Co-ordinator), Mrs Ashman (Head of MediaArts ) and Ms Renwick organised for the international staff to meet up with the Year 9 DesignArts class, and share their artistic skills. The students were shown how to create African Stone Carving Sculptures which were based on the symbols used within this African community.
The students worked incredibly hard all day to produce the outcomes and were highly commended by our international visitors. The Art students were given the opportunity to work with materials they had not experienced before and used a wide range of new techniques to produce their sculptures. The next stage is that these Year 9 students will work within the community to share the skills they have learnt from the Nigerian teachers.

Art Teacher’s create their own Art Work!

As part of the 1st year of the MA in Artist Teachers and Contemporary Practices, both Miss Wright and Miss Bayman (Teachers of Art) have completed a piece of Art submitted in an End of Year exhibition at Goldsmiths College, University of London.

Miss Wright’s Art work:
“The Ultimate” (Acrylic on Plywood, 80 x100cm)
“The trophy-like symbols are based on images of sports cars. The six paintings are representative of my favourites: (clockwise from top left) Lamborghini Reventon, Ford GT90, Lamborghini Diablo, Lamborghini Murcielago, Lamborghini Madura and Bugatti Veyron. I adapted shapes and blurred out details so that the images could convey their own meaning. The images symbolise achievement, aspiration and success. They are coats of arms. They are also memorials, like a leader board at school, or animal heads over a mantelpiece.Power for your Control. The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection. Thoroughbred. For Life. The Ultimate. These are all car advertisement slogans that inspired me to produce these ‘trophies’. The objects we want ‘see’ us into having them. The object signifies, creating a screen through which the viewer is forced to see one’s own self. The current Peugeot advertisement states “It Chooses You. It Owns You”.
When we look at a car we want, we are caught in a web of meaning - wealth, power and status.”

Miss Bayman’s Art Work:
(Chicken Wire, Perspex sheets and discs, drawings and photographs scanned onto Lazertran, Metal Hooks and Blue Thread)
“This piece is concerned with the idea of identity and the practice of trying to pin down the true identity of an individual. The conflict lies in trying to represent the myriad of aspects of a personality and the ever- changing role of the individual which morphs depending on situation and experience.
The “net” connected to the ceiling is representational of a trawler net which has endured the activity of gathering many pieces of information. The remains caught in the net are representational of the traces of experience and memory.”

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Cluster Presentations for Children's Art Day 2010

All Year 7 & 8 students study an innovative MediaArts rotation. This curriculum enables students to study Art, Graphics, Resistant Materials, Textiles, Music, Dance and Drama over short, concentrated periods of time. By studying on the rotation, students are able to focus on a shared theme and employ a wide range of theoretical, practical and transferable skills. Last summer term saw the introduction of the 'Curriculum Cluster' option units, designed to make use of the skills that had been developed throughout the year. Students were presented with a vocational theme and invited to opt for their preferred cluster specialist subject. For Year 7, the theme was a theme park concept entitled 'Futura' and in Year 8, students were to respond creatively to the work of british printmaker, William Hogarth, on the theme 'The Living Gallery'.
After weeks of creative industry in lessons, students came together in their year groups to present their outcomes to both staff and peers. These events were organised to coincide with the national event 'Children's Art Day 2010 and saw the Dance studio and Great Hall filled with bright purple balloons, stickers and displays of preparatory studies to commemorate the big event! Each class took turns to present the impressive results of their specialist study and work produced showed an incredibly high standard of skill, professionalism and imagination. We were treated to amazing performances; some of which grew out of giant frames! There were audio hats modelled by their designers, beautiful mosaic work and Soundscope compositions amongst many other creations. The feedback was very positive with the large majority of the students stating that they loved being shown what the other groups had produced and that really enjoyed the teamwork element to the projects.
Congratulations to all involved. You have set the bar high for next years’ participants. Well done!

Friday 8 October 2010

Daniel Nolan – Regional Semi-Finalist in the International “Doodle 4 Google” competition!

Daniel Nolan in Year 9 has proved himself to be an excellent Creative Thinker by producing a design for the international competition “Doodle 4 Google” where he had to design the Google Logo based on the theme “I Love Football”.
This was the first year that the competition was open to school children all over the world and Daniel was chosen as a Regional Semi-Finalist out of 4000 entries.
The managing director of Google UK-Matt Brittin wrote:
“We were extremely impressed with Daniel’s doodle for its artistic merit, creativity, interpretation of the “I Love Football” theme and the supporting statement. Over 4000 doodles were created this year, so getting to this stage is a huge achievement”
Well Done Daniel for this excellent Achievement.


‘Impressive,’ ‘Excellent’, ‘Unbelievable’. These are just some of the words that parents used to describe the Media Studies department at this years’ open evening. A Media Studies classroom was re-invented into a television studio for one night only where the prospective Ravensbourne students showed their potential in reading the news and presenting the weather! All with help from a selection of Year 12 BTEC Media Students who represented the school with great enthusiasm and professionalism.
With student films playing in the background, parents and Year 6 students were invited to experience media studies and the range of opportunities available at the school. Parents were overwhelmed by the facilities and opportunities Ravensbourne offers its students, saying ‘We didn’t have this when I was at school!’ Our own BTEC students described the evening as an ‘inspirational night’, so it was clear that their commitment to their course and the school would encourage parents and students to put The Ravensbourne School at the top of their list and hopefully inspire future media professionals to study here with us.

Monday 27 September 2010

Humanities Logo Designed by G&T Art Students

As part of the weekly Gifted and Talented MediaArts Club run by Miss Barclay and Miss Bayman, students were asked to work together with Gifted and Talented students selected by Miss Hester, from Geography. The brief was to link subjects by designing a number of proposals for the new Humanities Logo. After a big discussion in the Gifted&Talented club, students worked out possible themes and images which would fit the brief, and then the designing began. After the final entries were submitted to the Humanities Faculty, Simon Stirling in Year 10 produced the winning design which was selected to be the official logo. Well done Simon - and keep your eyes out for the canvas (showing the logo) which is currently being painted by the MediaArts G&T club for the Humanities Corridor!

Friday 16 July 2010

America gets to see Miss Garrod’s world vision.

Miss Garrod’s photography work was projected onto a screen set up under Brooklyn Bridge.

Miss Garrod’s is getting a worldwide audience following her inclusion in an exhibition featuring the work of international students. This year her work was selected to become part of an exhibition called World Visions: Emerging Photographers.
World vision’s was created and curated by Michelle Bogre, associate professor at Parsons the new school for design in New York. It features the work of 125 photography students and recent alumni at some of the world’s best photography schools in Mexico, India, South Africa, Switzerland, the Netherlands, England and America.
The exhibition became part of the New York photography festival in May and Miss Garrod’s work was included. Three of her images were projected in a New York gallery and for one night it was projected onto a screen set up under the Brooklyn Bridge. Her work is now on tour in world vision’s and will be exhibited worldwide.

Monday 12 July 2010

MediaArts Faculty & Technology Summer Show 2010

The Private View of the popular MediaArts event took place on the evening of Thursday 24th June.

This year’s exhibition showcased a diverse range of exiting and vibrant work from our talented Year 11, 12 and 13 students.

Textiles students had made some innovative garments and accessories which we supported by beautifully presented sketchbooks. Film makers from both A-level and BTEC National Diploma courses engaged their audience with original scriptwriting and professional production skills. Art students served up something to suit everyone’s taste; from urban landscapes inspired by Impressionism and sculptures of drunken rabbits to video installation pieces.

The event was well attended by members of the school and wider community. It was great to see such a large audience pop-in to support our students’ achievements. One attendee commented on the quality of the work. “I was amazed at the creativity involved in generating the work on display. The responses to the briefs were full of enthusiasm and you can see the effort involved in getting to the end product. A great display of work from an obviously talented group of students”.

Visiting moderators have commented this year on the excellent standard and this is reflected by the number of Year 13 students that have been successful in gaining their first choice place at colleges and university. Good Luck to all who graduate from TRS this summer.

Ms Ashman
Head of MediaArts Faculty

Monday 5 July 2010

Building special relationships

Glebe School, Creative and Media Diploma Y11 Students recently visited TRS to use the specialist screen-printing facilities in the MediaArts department. Glebe students worked with Y13 BTEC Art and Design students to print eco-bags and T-shirts to be sold at the Bromley Farmers Market, to raise funds for Sport Relief.

This project was part of a borough collaboration between Glebe School and TRS who have become specialist school partners. Miss Underhill-Head of Art has been working with the Glebe school throughout the academic year facilitating a range of Art and Design workshops in order to develop skills for the Creative & Media Diploma Level 1 Project.

The collaboration has been a real success, both students and staff from both schools have benefited from the experience:

‘The workshops provided an invaluable opportunity for our learners to meet and work alongside unfamiliar adults, and this has allowed them to practice their PLTS in a meaningful way. The experience of working with a Lead Teacher has certainly allowed us to plan for and deliver creative projects with confidence. We look forward to developing our joint working not only in the Diploma but across a number of new initiatives this year.' Chris Collins-Assistant Head, Glebe School

For more information please visit the Specialist schools website:

The good wording is spreading amongst local Primary Schools

The good wording is spreading amongst local Primary Schools, not only are we continuing our fantastic work with our five partner primary schools, we are now being approached by other schools within the area requesting our students expertise. Not wanting to disappoint, we jumped at the chance of delivering a workshop for Marian Vian Primary school in Beckenham for part of their Arts Week.

This year the students from Marian Vian were focusing on an ‘Under the Sea’ theme and wanted our help to making a large mural to be displayed in school. Ms Ashman and BTEC students from 12AH took up the challenge and visited the school on Wednesday 16th June to work with the Year 5 students.

Throughout the day the Year 5’s were guided through the process of Poly Printing and were shown the technique of Reduction Printing with up to three colours. Our Year 12’s worked enthusiastically throughout the day, giving demonstrations, support and guidance.

Chloe from 5I said “I really enjoyed pressing and rolling the paint and loved working with the Ravensbourne students, they were so nice” and Paris from 5F quoted “I liked sticking down and rolling the design, I can’t wait to do this again”.

Ms Ashman and our students was very impressed with the finished design and the hard work and commitment showed by the Year 5’s. “I enjoyed seeing the results of the year 5’s hard work and the creativity they showed throughout the day” said Jack 12AS.

Well done to the following students for their involvement in the day:- Molly Coxon, Jack Defer, Sophie Holmes, Charlotte Jones, Daisy O’Grady, Jaylan Osman,
Grace Sinnott, Jorja Spiers, Andrew Turnbull, Lucy Weir and to Ms Ashman for organising the trip.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Doodle 4 Google-I LOVE FOOTBALL

Students went footy mad for this years Doodle for Google Competition!

This year’s drawing competition is about the passion for a great sport, football. One of the most played and followed sports in the world, football has its own culture that goes beyond frontiers or teams. Students were required to represent their passion for football. Doodle 4 Google – I love football is not about supporting one team or country over another, it’s about the passion for football that gathers people around TV sets or in stadiums, around the world.

Images show some of the work selected to represent TRS in the national competition.

The TRS winner is Max Henry, Year 8

BTEC Art and Design Student Creates Year Book for the class of 2009.

Our talented Art and Design BTEC student; Aylin Unlu, has recently completed the design for the Year 11 Year Book 2009. Aylin has used a range of digital Illustration skills to complete the design which features text and imagery from the Year Group. Aylin was set the brief as part of her course and has done a fantastic job with the design work.
Aylin has worked closely with members of staff to produce the professional-looking finished product. This is not the first project Aylin has worked on for the Art Department; she has designed logos and created a wonderful exhibition in the Humanities Corridor. Alyn’s hard work has been recognised by winning The Jack Petchy award.
“I’ve really enjoyed all of the projects I’ve been able to do for the Art Department, and am really happy to have won The Jack Petchy award. I based my design of the Year 11 Year Book on the idea of creating a scrapbook of memories for the year group, using Photoshop to create pages of photos of the students with quotes from their form tutors.”
Aylin Unlu Year 13

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Star Skills 200: “Dynamic Design”

Trip to The Tate Modern
On Thursday 25th March, a selection of year 8 students from the Dynamic Design group (part of the Star Skills 200 initiative) attended an Art trip to the Tate Modern.
The students each used a handheld computer to navigate themselves around the vast gallery and to find out more about works on display at the Tate Modern. By using the Smart Guide, student’s experience were enhanced as they were able to select video's to look at showing the artist's at work, they could draw on the screen and record their own thoughts about each individual piece.Back in the classroom, the students can download a full digital record of their tour, including all of their drawings, recordings and writing, as well as the images of the pieces they looked at. The students found the experience to be very engaging and interactive.
Mr Dateh Art and Design

Wednesday 31 March 2010

KS3 Art Competition!

Thirteen KS3 students at The Ravensbourne School entered an art competition held at Ravens Wood School on the 23rd of March. This gave the students a chance to collaborate their talent and creativity with different students throughout the borough.

Friday 19 March 2010

Star Skills 200: “Dynamic Design”

Year 8 Students from the Dynamic Design group (part of the Star Skills 200 Initiative) have worked on a brief set by Miss Powell (Lead Teacher of Geography) to design a detailed display based on “The River Story”. Students were asked to visually represent the journey of the river to go along side their cluster work in MFL, Maths and Geography. The students used their broad range of Art skills to create a stunning display which will be displayed in the Humanities corridor.
Miss Scruton Teacher of Art
“I found creating this display very enjoyable as I got to be very creative. I expect my fellow students enjoyed it as well. It will be placed in the Humanities Faculty and I am looking forward to seeing it there”

Rebecca Little Year 8 Student

Y7 Visit to the National Portrait Gallery on Friday 12th March Cross-curricular Art and History

On Friday 12th March budding artists from Year 7 attended an Art History and Portraiture workshop at the National Portrait Gallery. Followed by an inspiring talk by Mr Merrony about the hidden symbolism in Tudor portraits.

Charlie Cornwell reviews the day:

In one word, I would describe the trip as ‘enjoyable’. On the train to Victoria I imagined I would enjoy myself and the others would as well. The trip on the Underground was fun and when we arrived at the gallery, I was amazed at the size of it, and soon realised that today would be great. It was fun when we were walking around looking at historical paintings of the gallery. At four pictures of the Queen by Andy Warhol, we stood and listened to the guide talking about it, and my legs were absolutely killing me!

We were given boards and sheets of A3 paper to do a sketch of one of the painting. When we had lunch in Trafalgar Square, it was very nice looking at the scenery of the fountain and Nelson’s Column, but there was dozens of pigeons and a few seagulls whizzing over our heads! After lunch we spent some time looking around Nelson’s Column. At around two o’ clock, we started to walk back to the station and enjoying London for a last few minutes.

Mr Merrony and Miss Underhill commented:

‘The Year 7 students were fantastic ambassadors for the school on their trip to the National Portrait Gallery and Trafalgar Square. They were motivated, inquisitive, well mannered and fun!’

Thursday 4 March 2010

Raglan Primary School Mural!

BTEC Year 12 Art and Design students are currently designing a mural collaboratively for their BTEC Community Art unit to brighten up the upper school wall at Raglan Primary.
Students have spent the first Half Term putting together initial designs for the wall. They then visited the school and spoke to the Deputy Head as well as the school’s student council to get their ideas. The current design is work in progress!

“Thank you so much for bringing your students to visit Raglan yesterday. I was so impressed with their ideas and the way that they worked with the children.
They were inspirational, an absolute credit to the school. It was a pleasure to meet such a focussed group who had worked so hard to prepare and research for their module.”

Well Done Year 12!

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Art Students Impress at the Saatchi Gallery

On the 26th of February, Ms Ashman, Miss Garrod and Miss Judah took Year 11 GCSE and Year 12 AS & BTEC Art students on a study visit to the ‘Empire Strikes Back’ exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery. We were first given time to look around the exhibition and make drawings of what we considered would support our individual projects. It was a really nice gallery and all the displays were linked together either by subject or materials. After we had finished looking round the gallery on our own, we were taken on tour by one of the gallery staff and given more detailed information about key exhibition pieces. In one of the rooms we were taken to, there was a speech by Ghandi displayed out of sculpted, artificial bones. In another room there were lots of pots and pans which had been formed into the shapes of 1) a spaceship and 2) a bucket with flowing water. These sculptures had been created to show how developing countries have revolutionised and now have more than they used to.
In the afternoon, we attended a workshop where we were asked to create our own sculptural piece inspired both by the exhibition and our own experiences. We were given resources such as: a glue gun and household recycling objects. Each group had a few objects with which we could create our own piece. My group had a lot of knives and forks, a silver tray and a mini teapot! We fitted the forks together and glued them onto the tray as if they were a roof and entwined wire through them all. We then glued the mini teapot to the side of the tray and wrapped wire round the lid, curling the wire at the top. The forks were to represent a community leaning and relying on one another and the wire represented the problems that they were solving as a group. The teapot on its own outside was to represent an outsider from maybe another community that isn’t welcome with the others, and the wire wrapped around that represented its’ problem and how it had to solve the problems on its own. The artist who led the workshop was really complementary about our work and said that she did not expect to see such strong ideas from secondary school students! This was a really good workshop as we were making abstract art that was meaningful and, if displayed, people could relate too.
Molly Coxon 12AH

Sunday 21 February 2010

Legacy of Hope

The Art Department have worked to a brief set by the R.E Department to complete a set of handmade butterflies. The most striking designs will be entered into a competition which will see The Holocaust Museum in Houston, USA , display 1.5 million butterflies in 2012 to remember all the children that died in the Holocaust.
The butterflies have been made by Year 8 students in their Art and Design lessons, after Miss Wright found an inventive technique to create the butterflies. The designs were meant to represent the tragedy of the Holocaust and also symbolise a sense of hope as these children will not be forgotten.

Miss Scruton Teacher of Art

Sunday 7 February 2010

Gallery Visits 2009 - 2010

Year 10 took a trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum to study crafts and textiles from around the world in November. This inspired some excellent imagery for their ‘Visual Skills’ coursework.
Year 11 GCSE and BTEC students and Year 13 BTEC students experienced the big, the bad and the most brilliant of Modern Art during two visits to the Tate Modern in January, walking around in Miroslav Balka’s ‘How It Is’: a huge, dark box stood in the Turbine Hall, and under the scaled-up ‘No Title (Table and Four Chairs)’ by Robert Therrien. It was a mind-expanding experience for all who attended. Year 11 GCSE students even produced some ‘Conceptual Art’ of their own on their return!

Year 8 Star Skills and Art and Design students took part in a fantastic ‘Narrative Art’ print workshop and were told the stories of the work of Rembrandt, Van Eyck and scores of other famous painters in the Dulwich Picture Gallery. They behaved so well that they were allowed to visit the Mausoleum, where the tombs and statues of the gallery’s patrons were on display!

Year 8 Star Skills and Art and Design students took part in a fantastic ‘Narrative Art’ print workshop and were told the stories of the work of Rembrandt, Van Eyck and scores of other famous painters in the Dulwich Picture Gallery. They behaved so well that they were allowed to visit the Mausoleum, where the tombs and statues of the gallery’s patrons were on display!

Coming Up: Year 12 AS and BTEC look at Saatchi’s collection in Sloane Square, Year 7 take on Portraiture at the National Portrait Gallery, and a select group of Year 9 go on a BANKSY tour of East London……