Monday 5 July 2010

The good wording is spreading amongst local Primary Schools

The good wording is spreading amongst local Primary Schools, not only are we continuing our fantastic work with our five partner primary schools, we are now being approached by other schools within the area requesting our students expertise. Not wanting to disappoint, we jumped at the chance of delivering a workshop for Marian Vian Primary school in Beckenham for part of their Arts Week.

This year the students from Marian Vian were focusing on an ‘Under the Sea’ theme and wanted our help to making a large mural to be displayed in school. Ms Ashman and BTEC students from 12AH took up the challenge and visited the school on Wednesday 16th June to work with the Year 5 students.

Throughout the day the Year 5’s were guided through the process of Poly Printing and were shown the technique of Reduction Printing with up to three colours. Our Year 12’s worked enthusiastically throughout the day, giving demonstrations, support and guidance.

Chloe from 5I said “I really enjoyed pressing and rolling the paint and loved working with the Ravensbourne students, they were so nice” and Paris from 5F quoted “I liked sticking down and rolling the design, I can’t wait to do this again”.

Ms Ashman and our students was very impressed with the finished design and the hard work and commitment showed by the Year 5’s. “I enjoyed seeing the results of the year 5’s hard work and the creativity they showed throughout the day” said Jack 12AS.

Well done to the following students for their involvement in the day:- Molly Coxon, Jack Defer, Sophie Holmes, Charlotte Jones, Daisy O’Grady, Jaylan Osman,
Grace Sinnott, Jorja Spiers, Andrew Turnbull, Lucy Weir and to Ms Ashman for organising the trip.

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