Friday 8 October 2010

Daniel Nolan – Regional Semi-Finalist in the International “Doodle 4 Google” competition!

Daniel Nolan in Year 9 has proved himself to be an excellent Creative Thinker by producing a design for the international competition “Doodle 4 Google” where he had to design the Google Logo based on the theme “I Love Football”.
This was the first year that the competition was open to school children all over the world and Daniel was chosen as a Regional Semi-Finalist out of 4000 entries.
The managing director of Google UK-Matt Brittin wrote:
“We were extremely impressed with Daniel’s doodle for its artistic merit, creativity, interpretation of the “I Love Football” theme and the supporting statement. Over 4000 doodles were created this year, so getting to this stage is a huge achievement”
Well Done Daniel for this excellent Achievement.

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