Tuesday 12 October 2010

Cluster Presentations for Children's Art Day 2010

All Year 7 & 8 students study an innovative MediaArts rotation. This curriculum enables students to study Art, Graphics, Resistant Materials, Textiles, Music, Dance and Drama over short, concentrated periods of time. By studying on the rotation, students are able to focus on a shared theme and employ a wide range of theoretical, practical and transferable skills. Last summer term saw the introduction of the 'Curriculum Cluster' option units, designed to make use of the skills that had been developed throughout the year. Students were presented with a vocational theme and invited to opt for their preferred cluster specialist subject. For Year 7, the theme was a theme park concept entitled 'Futura' and in Year 8, students were to respond creatively to the work of british printmaker, William Hogarth, on the theme 'The Living Gallery'.
After weeks of creative industry in lessons, students came together in their year groups to present their outcomes to both staff and peers. These events were organised to coincide with the national event 'Children's Art Day 2010 and saw the Dance studio and Great Hall filled with bright purple balloons, stickers and displays of preparatory studies to commemorate the big event! Each class took turns to present the impressive results of their specialist study and work produced showed an incredibly high standard of skill, professionalism and imagination. We were treated to amazing performances; some of which grew out of giant frames! There were audio hats modelled by their designers, beautiful mosaic work and Soundscope compositions amongst many other creations. The feedback was very positive with the large majority of the students stating that they loved being shown what the other groups had produced and that really enjoyed the teamwork element to the projects.
Congratulations to all involved. You have set the bar high for next years’ participants. Well done!

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