Sunday 7 February 2010

Gallery Visits 2009 - 2010

Year 10 took a trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum to study crafts and textiles from around the world in November. This inspired some excellent imagery for their ‘Visual Skills’ coursework.
Year 11 GCSE and BTEC students and Year 13 BTEC students experienced the big, the bad and the most brilliant of Modern Art during two visits to the Tate Modern in January, walking around in Miroslav Balka’s ‘How It Is’: a huge, dark box stood in the Turbine Hall, and under the scaled-up ‘No Title (Table and Four Chairs)’ by Robert Therrien. It was a mind-expanding experience for all who attended. Year 11 GCSE students even produced some ‘Conceptual Art’ of their own on their return!

Year 8 Star Skills and Art and Design students took part in a fantastic ‘Narrative Art’ print workshop and were told the stories of the work of Rembrandt, Van Eyck and scores of other famous painters in the Dulwich Picture Gallery. They behaved so well that they were allowed to visit the Mausoleum, where the tombs and statues of the gallery’s patrons were on display!

Year 8 Star Skills and Art and Design students took part in a fantastic ‘Narrative Art’ print workshop and were told the stories of the work of Rembrandt, Van Eyck and scores of other famous painters in the Dulwich Picture Gallery. They behaved so well that they were allowed to visit the Mausoleum, where the tombs and statues of the gallery’s patrons were on display!

Coming Up: Year 12 AS and BTEC look at Saatchi’s collection in Sloane Square, Year 7 take on Portraiture at the National Portrait Gallery, and a select group of Year 9 go on a BANKSY tour of East London……

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