Tuesday 2 February 2010

Aids Awareness Artwork

Year 8 and Year 13 Art and Design students have completed a brief set by Miss Fitzgerald (Director of ECM) to design a poster which educates and raises the awareness of AIDS and HIV. To coincide with World Aids Day, the students thought carefully about suitable images which would be striking and draw the viewer to the poster. The students needed to research the topic before they embarked on the project in order to establish the key facts about AIDS and HIV.
Miss Scruton Teacher of Art
“As a class we created a display made up of important facts about AIDS and HIV. We were trying to raise awareness and money for an AIDS charity by asking people to buy red ribbons. The display is made up of a number of posters, each poster focuses on a key part of information about AIDS; I chose to tell people about the symptoms of AIDS. This activity was very rewarding as we were able to research into a topic that is very important and relevant. The poster may just save one person life if they understand the risks of AIDS, and that it is not just in third world countries….

Sarah Moss Year 13 BTEC Art Design Student

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