Thursday 4 March 2010

Raglan Primary School Mural!

BTEC Year 12 Art and Design students are currently designing a mural collaboratively for their BTEC Community Art unit to brighten up the upper school wall at Raglan Primary.
Students have spent the first Half Term putting together initial designs for the wall. They then visited the school and spoke to the Deputy Head as well as the school’s student council to get their ideas. The current design is work in progress!

“Thank you so much for bringing your students to visit Raglan yesterday. I was so impressed with their ideas and the way that they worked with the children.
They were inspirational, an absolute credit to the school. It was a pleasure to meet such a focussed group who had worked so hard to prepare and research for their module.”

Well Done Year 12!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Beautiful work!