Tuesday 9 November 2010

Art and Design Year 9 students make international connections by working with Teachers from Nigeria

A collection of Year 9 Art and Design Students had the incredible opportunity to work with a number of teachers from Nigeria. Mrs Andre (International Schools Co-ordinator), Mrs Ashman (Head of MediaArts ) and Ms Renwick organised for the international staff to meet up with the Year 9 DesignArts class, and share their artistic skills. The students were shown how to create African Stone Carving Sculptures which were based on the symbols used within this African community.
The students worked incredibly hard all day to produce the outcomes and were highly commended by our international visitors. The Art students were given the opportunity to work with materials they had not experienced before and used a wide range of new techniques to produce their sculptures. The next stage is that these Year 9 students will work within the community to share the skills they have learnt from the Nigerian teachers.

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