Monday 9 November 2009

Life Drawing

Life Drawing – Tuesday twilight sessions in the Art rooms
Tuesday 3rd November kicked off the first of the twilight Life Drawing sessions offered by the Art Department this term.

Staff and post-16 students attended the first session, Line Drawing, led by Miss Wright.
Students practiced their figure drawing skills using graphite stick and pencil, and produced some fantastic work for their portfolios. The teachers and associate staff who also attended wowed us with their hidden drawing talents!

Miss Beckford said “It was extremely relaxing and very inspiring!”
The sessions continue until December, and are open to students and staff. Please see the noticeboard for dates.

Session 2: Miss Ashman – Drawing using Tone
Session 3: Miss Underhill – Monoprinting
Session 4: Miss Scruton – Experimental Mark-making
Don’t be shy, give it a try!

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