Tuesday 24 November 2009

Gifted and Talented Logo Designed by Post 16 Art Student

Our talented Art student Aylin Unlu (Year 13 BTEC National Diploma in Art and Design) has successfully created a logo which is now being used by Mr Murrells (Lead Teacher of G&T) as the official design for Gifted and Talented documents. Aylin developed the design based on ideas created in the MediaArts Gifted and Talented Club by younger G&T students. These students then presented their ideas in a Dragons Den style format to a panel of teachers and Post 16 students before the final design was selected. As part of a digital Illustration project, Aylin worked to develop the design as one of her final pieces, and this which was selected by Mr Murrells as being the most successful.

Miss Scruton, Teacher of Art

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