Tuesday 24 November 2009

ECM Environment Day Improving the Community!

Our challenge was to redecorate one side of a football clubs locker room. As a group, we gathered ideas, designed and painted. We decided to split the wall into sections and work in groups so that we didn’t get confused. We agreed to present our football theme as Pop Art, as it would mainly be the younger people in the community that would see our work. Also, we only had limited hours to achieve our target so we needed to keep it as simple, yet effective, as possible.
I feel that after hours of painting the outcome was a total success, we accomplished the Pop Art football theme and learnt a lot of team work skills which will most definitely be used again. I had a great part in designing and planning for the task and I got stuck in and accomplished my design with my fellow team members.
Charlotte Jones 12AH

We arrived at the Orpington ground, in the cold, to meet Ms Ashman, Mrs Morrell and Mrs Moorey. On their arrival we didn't waste any time in turning a dirty green wall; in to a master piece (in 5 hours!). We pulled together as an active team who just got on with the plan. Not wasting much time and working together- sharing paints, cleaning brushes, moving around the huge wall without argument. The end result was something to be proud of. If I had the chance, I would definitely do it again!
Polly Spencer 12 AH

1 comment:

Librarian said...

I think this is fantastic! I just 5 hours??? Does not seem possible. Amazing work, well done.