Friday 6 November 2009

The Christmas Journey!

On Friday 23rd October a selection of Art and Design, Gifted and Talented students worked together to create a backdrop and a series of puppets for The Christmas Journey being presented at St Mary’s Church, Bromley. The students were selected by the ability that they had previously shown in Art and Design lessons and clubs. Their work will be displayed in the church to inspire younger students to get creative over the festive season. Also on display is the banner created by our Art and Designs student which was produced last year for St Mary’s Bibleathon.
Miss Scruton, Teacher of Art

“I thought the day was a great success. It was really good to get the opportunity to work with all the other year groups and make the puppets. It was really fun because this was a very different activity from the usual lessons in the day. I think this was a great success and I would like to be part of something like this again”
Sam Slattery Year 10
“In my opinion the day was very successful. It was good to have the opportunity to be part of this day as in the end we made some fantastic puppets. It was good to see everyone in the groups using teamwork to create the puppets and background. We had to co-operate with each other and take on different roles to make the objects. I was proud to be part of it and hope that St Mary’s Church will enjoy them”
Aidan Spinks Year 10

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