Thursday 2 April 2009

Media Arts Gifted and Talented Club

Media and Art have joined forces to create a MediaArts Gifted and Talented Club.
The club is designed to fuse the exciting disciplines and facilities found in the Art and Design Department with the incredible technology found in the Media Department. The results should be striking, creative and professional finished designs which fulfil a brief within the school.
Students have been selected throughout KS3 based on peer and staff nominations and their achievements within lessons. The launch of the club saw an impressive amount of students attending the club after school to start the first project. The students who attended were of a range of ages and a group of Year 12 BTEC students are assisting with the delivery and planning of the club. The first project is an exciting competition where students will be asked to submit entries for a G&T Logo design.

Miss Barclay (Media), Miss Scruton (Art) and Mr Murrells (Gifted and Talented Lead Teacher) assisted the students with the first session assisted by Sarah Moss Post 16 Student.

Miss Scruton (MediaArts Faculty)

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