Friday 3 April 2009

Live it, Breathe it, Design it!

The Ravensbourne School are one of the first schools to be a member of the 'Get Set' network set up in support of the 2012 Olympics held in London.

“The aim of the Get Set network is to bring schools, colleges and non-mainstream learning providers together in a dynamic and inspirational way. We will be encouraging them to integrate the Olympic and Paralympic Values into their planning for sustained improvement. In this way the London 2012 Games will leave a lasting educational, cultural and social legacy.”

The aim of the network is to create a special community of schools and colleges that share a common interest in the values of the Olympic and Paralympic Values.

These Values are:

The network provides lots of opportunities for students to be involved in the exciting build up to the Olympics. The Ravensbourne School is already one step ahead as the current Year 7 MediaArts Rotation is themed on the Olympics. Students in Design and Technology, Art, Drama, Music and English are all exploring the theme in an array of exciting ways.

The Art and Design Department are celebrating the build up to the Olympics in more ways than one; Max Halton (Art and Design BTEC student in Year 12) has recently entered a design competition run by the “Get Set Network”. The brief is to design a logo which encompasses education and sport to represent a new infill for the London 2012 logo – something that captures the ambitions of Get Set and the London 2012 Games in a single image or piece of art work.

The winning design will sit alongside the Paralympic logo to create the official London 2012 education logo that will be awarded to schools and colleges who join the Get Set network! And the winning designer will have that chance to work with the London 2012 brand team to turn their artwork into the official logo!

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