Friday 1 July 2011

MediaArts and Technology Summer Show

Guests at the Private View of this year’s MediaArts and Technology Summer Show were treated to a surprise, courtesy of the Media department. Mr Morrell and Mr Williams had transformed the stairway with blackout fabric, lights and dry ice to create a dramatic introduction to the exhibition. This was complimented with the iconic TV theme tune from the ‘Take Hart’ Gallery to completely set the scene!

As ever, the exhibition showcased a diverse range of vibrant and original work from our talented Year 11, 12 and 13 students. Inventive use of new technologies were clearly evident this year. Textiles students had made exciting use of the laser cutter to embellish garments and accessories which we supported by beautifully presented sketchbooks. Film makers from both A-level and BTEC Media courses engaged their audience with original scriptwriting and professional production skills including some breath-taking special effects. Art students went interactive with numerous installations, kinetic pieces, magnetic mazes and even a living sculpture who stopped to have a chat with Mr Murphy!

The evening was very well attended by members of the school and wider community. It is always so rewarding to see large audiences turn-up to support our students’ achievements.We are proud to report that a large number of our Year 13 artists and designers have been successful in gaining their first choice place at colleges and university. Good Luck to all who graduate from TRS this summer and we look forward to hearing of your successes in years to come!

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