Thursday 8 December 2011


Year 12 BTEC Art and Design students were invited to contribute a piece of work each to be displayed in an exhibition entitled ‘Encounters’. We were invited to select a piece of artwork by one of the Masters and recreate this in our own style.

The exhibition showcases the original piece of artwork, positioned next to our student response. This allows visitors to the exhibition to both see and compare how contemporary artists are influenced by famous pieces of art.

Our work for the Encounters exhibition will help to demonstrate how art of the present continues to speak about art of the past.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Gifted and Talented Academy - Cineclub

Two of our Year 13 BTEC Media students led these four ‘Cineclub’ Saturday’s in April. Eight primary school students were put through their film making paces; pitching their idea for a short film, planning, filming and editing with the guidance of year 13, year 11 Media students and Media G&T year 9 students. The sessions were planned and led completely by students. The project was very successful and all the primary students loved the experience and the 6th formers (Tim Ward and Alessandro D’Attoma).

Monday 4 July 2011

Ravensbourne students SHINE through!!

The Shine School Media Awards hosted their first ever competition as an attempt to involve as many schools, from as many communities, with as many pupils as possible. For The Ravensbourne School; the aim was to involve as many different students that had a passion or talent in a particular subject area and show them that there is more to life than just being purely academically capable. The competition enabled them to appreciate that that, with hard work, comes reward, in terms of both the final product and recognition, not only from the Shine judges but the recognition received from our schools community.
After a day of planning and preparing details such as the name of the magazine, the roles of each individual and the difficult decision to make of our overall aim, each student and teacher was able to understand that there is far more that goes into the making of a magazine than initially appears. We became journalists, photographers, graphic designers, marketing researchers, editors, co-editors but most importantly we were a team working towards the same goal: to create ‘OUTLINE’, a magazine aimed at Year 6 students’ transition into Year 7 with a twist! One of our many aims was to ensure that the magazine wasn’t based purely on exams and school trips, because we know that everyone needs a break from school and, being young people, we knew that young people like to hear about celebrities, TV programmes, jokes and even cooking! So whilst making the magazine very school orientated, we were able to bring in a sense of fun and reality into it, in a way that was (in some cases) an attempt to be funny and in others, dramatic but knowledgeable. We didn’t want to belittle the Year 6’s with intimidating language; we just wanted to show them that there is more to get involved in if you are willing to get involved. And we did exactly that.
After many ‘draining’ months of tapping at keyboards, modelling for photo shoots and interviewing students we began to realise, that this was actually a lot of fun! It brought students from all year groups together to produce a final product that was, quite simply, amazing. And we were not the only ones who thought so.
We were shortlisted for 3 categories: Best Cover, Best Design Layout and Best Commercial Strategy. We were then shortlisted again and put into the top three for Best Cover. This meant that we were able to attend the Award Ceremony at Stationers Hall to see if we had won or were runners up. And after taking a train to London on an unbearably hot Monday morning and waiting anxiously whilst visiting various amazing workshops, the time came for us to see if we’d won.
Out of almost 200 schools, The Ravensbourne came out on top and took home Best Cover. Amazing!
Not only did we win first place for Best Cover, but at the end of the ceremony a raffle was held. By sheer luck we had won again! Our prize was a high specification Xerox printer/photocopier and Quark graphic design software. The day could not have been any better, and we would all love to be involved in it again next year!
Cydney Honour

Friday 1 July 2011

MediaArts and Technology Summer Show

Guests at the Private View of this year’s MediaArts and Technology Summer Show were treated to a surprise, courtesy of the Media department. Mr Morrell and Mr Williams had transformed the stairway with blackout fabric, lights and dry ice to create a dramatic introduction to the exhibition. This was complimented with the iconic TV theme tune from the ‘Take Hart’ Gallery to completely set the scene!

As ever, the exhibition showcased a diverse range of vibrant and original work from our talented Year 11, 12 and 13 students. Inventive use of new technologies were clearly evident this year. Textiles students had made exciting use of the laser cutter to embellish garments and accessories which we supported by beautifully presented sketchbooks. Film makers from both A-level and BTEC Media courses engaged their audience with original scriptwriting and professional production skills including some breath-taking special effects. Art students went interactive with numerous installations, kinetic pieces, magnetic mazes and even a living sculpture who stopped to have a chat with Mr Murphy!

The evening was very well attended by members of the school and wider community. It is always so rewarding to see large audiences turn-up to support our students’ achievements.We are proud to report that a large number of our Year 13 artists and designers have been successful in gaining their first choice place at colleges and university. Good Luck to all who graduate from TRS this summer and we look forward to hearing of your successes in years to come!

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Shine School Media Awards

We are very excited to announce that The Ravensbourne School has been selected as one of the 16 finalists of the inaugural ‘Shine School Media Awards’. Our publication: ‘OUTLINE’ has been shortlisted for the Best Cover award.

The Shine project required schools to create a magazine or online publication written by students for students. Our press gang was made up of well motivated photographers, journalists, business managers and editors from years 7 to 13 who worked extremely well together on a weekly basis.

The ceremony will take place on Monday 27 June where the winners will be announced and prizes presented. All finalists will receive either winning or highly commended certificates and the winners of the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards will receive a cash prize as well as a fabulous media workshop day for three students at the Times Educational Supplement.

The Reception and Awards Ceremony is being held at Stationers’ Hall, in the shadow of St Paul’s Cathedral in London. Schools from across England, Wales and the Falkland Islands have been invited and it is anticipated that around 150 students, teachers and publishing industry guests will be attending what is sure to be a memorable and exciting event.

Congratulations go to all involved. Please look out for an article to celebrate the success of our students in the ‘News Shopper’.
The MediaArts Faculty would like to congratulate Mhairi Wyles-Lang and Gabrielle Simon on being shortlisted and exhibited on the prestigious Royal Academy A-level online exhibition.
Over 950 submissions from schools and colleges across the country were entered and 108 have been shortlisted. This is a highly competitive competition and we are very proud to have both Mhairi and Gabrielle’s outstanding work to represent the Faculty at this level.

Year 13 Mhairi Wyles-Lang film piece ‘Welcome to Earth’,17,GAL.html

Year 12 Gabrielle Simon photography piece ‘Glass – the Only Barrier’,17,GAL.html

Friday 27 May 2011

The Ravensbourne School welcomes you to share in the achievements of their students at the end of the year art, media, textiles, graphics and resistant materials showcase.

Refreshments will be available.

Thursday 19 May 2011

London Sealife Aquarium Trip: Year 11 BTEC

On the 29th March, the Year 11 BTEC Art and Design students ventured off into central London to visit the ‘London Sealife Aquarium’. The trip was an opportunity for students to see a range of sea creatures up-close and then use this experience as inspiration for a final piece in their BTEC coursework.
“I enjoyed the trip, particularly when we walked over the see-through bridge right above the sharks swimming below. One of the good parts was the atmosphere of the aquarium; they played relaxing music while you watched the sea life. This was useful to me as an Art student as I got to see the creatures up close and recorded the colours, shapes and the way they moved through the water. I have used this trip as inspiration by creating a 3D starfish sculpture and using the photo’s to inspire my design.”
Emma Read BE
“I thought the trip was amazing. We got to see sharks, sting rays, jelly fish – the lot! The best part of the trip was when, we were shown a group of star fish – which we were allowed to touch. When we got back I made a giant batik banner inspired by everything I saw at The London Sealife Aquarium.”
Gemma Djaffer 11BY
“Watching the sea life creatures swim around and glimmer in their tanks, truly inspired me. I have gained knowledge and have been inspired by many of the things I saw in the aquarium. By participating on this trip, I have been motivated to make a batik banner of a shark as part of my BTEC coursework”
Callum Peckham 11CC

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Barcelona MediaArts trip April 2011

A day early of the Easter break, a group of forty students and four teachers travelled to the Spanish city of Barcelona. All students were studying either art or media, from GCSE/BTEC students up to the final year of A-Level studies. This trip gave us the opportunity to explore Barcelona and its vibrant culture, as well as the many wacky but yet wonderful artists of Catalan Spain. Our day begun with a 7.30am coach transfer, in order to reach Gatwick airport in time for our 11am flight. In terms of weather, it could only get better; Bromley may have been a pleasant 18 degrees Celsius as we left that morning, but on touchdown in Barcelona it was pushing 26 degrees- the BBC five-day weather report had proved accurate!
With no time to relax, our tour guide Jan packed us on to our exclusive ‘Ravensbourne’ coach and we set off for our first destination- Montjuic Parc. Here, we were able to see the stadiums and general legacy of the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games. Our next pit stop was Parc Guell, designed by the Spanish architect Antoní Gaudí. With the sun beating down, the beautiful greenery and building facades looked amazing, and really gave us a sense of how 20th century architecture still influences Spanish culture today. Next up was Las Ramblas, a popular street lined with trees. Swedish-born Jan advised us to keep our belongings close; being popular with tourists means Las Ramblas is coincidentally popular with pick pockets too! Mercat de la Boqueria is the famous market on Las Ramblas, with a diverse range of exotic yet also local foodstuffs. Our last tourist destination of the day was the incredible La Sagrada Familia church, also designed by Catalan architect Gaudí. The Roman Catholic church, of overwhelming proportions, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In construction since 1883, the build is aiming for completion in 2026- one hundred years since Gaudi’s death. The works of Gaudí during his lifetime has made him the best known representative of Catalan modernism. After what was an extremely long day, we headed back to our hotel to unpack, and then for a late dinner at a nearby eating complex.
Day two begun with an early continental breakfast at our hotel, in order to fuel up for another day full of sightseeing. Our coach took us to Figueres, the birthplace of the surrealist Catalan painter, Salvador Dalí. We were here to visit his museum, the single largest and most diverse collection of Dalí’s work. Inside we found striking and bizarre images, including melting clocks and very odd optical illusions. After lunch, we travelled back to central Barcelona to visit La Pedrera, a building designed by Gaudí with exceptional panoramic views over Barcelona from the large roof terrace. It is located on a busy avenue in Spain, surrounded by the shops of many international designers. In terms of buying or renting property, this street (Passeig de Gracia) is the most expensive in the whole of Spain. Back up to Montjuic was where we visited the Joan Miró Fundacion, a museum of modern art honouring the Spanish painter. He received international acclaim for his surrealist work and use of experimental style. From Montjuic, we went back into central Barcelona and visited the Picasso Museum. It has one of the most extensive collections of art works by the Spanish artist, who is best for co-founding the Cubist movement. He is arguably one of the best known figures of 20th century art around the world.
After two exhausting days, a visit to the theme park Port Aventura was not so fast-paced, despite some rides reaching 83 miles per hour... We were able to spend the whole day basked in glorious sunshine- it’s just a shame the water park wasn’t open for season yet! Being the 6th most visited theme park in Europe, it was busy- even for a Sunday!
Day four: To the forest! By now we were more than accustomed to the quirky sayings and phrases of Jan, our charming tour guide. First visit of the day was to the Catalonia Audio Park- finally something for Mr Williams and his media students! We received a talk about the history of the studios and also had the opportunity to discover an empty production set; climbing on gangways on the ceiling proved too much for some! Back into Barcelona, where we visited the football stadium of Barcelona FC, Camp Nou, commonly regarded as one of the best football teams in the world. The stadium is the largest in Europe, with a capacity of just under 100,000, so I think we can be forgiven for being overwhelmed! Once we had stocked up on Barcelona FC merchandise from the rather over-priced shop, we had a chance to unwind on the beach adjacent to the harbour Port Vell. Despite the warm weather, the sea was far from temperate! Leaving a trail of sand, it was late afternoon by the time that we caught the metro back to our hotel. That evening, we travelled into Barcelona by metro to see a traditional flamenco show. This type of dance, native to Spain, left everyone in awe of the dancers’ talent and skill in order to perfect such a passionate way of moving your body.
Our final day in Barcelona took us back to where we begun; Parc Guell. Here, we were given over an hour to explore the grounds and perhaps even practise our drawing skills. Once heading towards the airport to travel home, we surprised Ms Ashman with a brand new pair of Ray-Bans to thank her for her hard work in organising such a lovely trip for us all! If only we could’ve stayed longer!
By Annie Quinton

Friday 25 March 2011

Fourteen @ Fourteen

28 of our brave and beautiful year 9 students agreed to take part in a portrait photographic project. 14 female and 14 male students, who are currently fourteen years old, were selected to be part of the project that was exhibited on Year 9 Progression Evening. The selected students also completed a biography detailing their experiences of being a fourteen year old in 2011.

Lucy Garrod, MediaArts technician and professional photographer was assisted by Year 13 BTEC Art & Design student, Lucy Wier. They worked with the students to produce a portrait of each individual in our specialist photography studio.

Thoroughly enjoyed the 14@14 Exhibition – what an original idea. I would love to see the same students comment as they prepare to leave TRS at 19 – their views were fascinating regarding their hopes and ambitions. The students thoughts highlighted what independent thinkers they are. I’m sure the families will also be thrilled to have such professional portraits of their children.

Mrs Goulds

Absolutely fantastic ! The experience of having a study photograph taken, the format of the prints, their size, sheer quality and the display gave the individual students an opportunity to see themselves in a totally different way. The whole exhibition and the individual portraits were so striking, I’m sure it must have raised their self-esteem simply by being part of it.

Mr Fordham

The 14 @ 14 photography exhibition was fantastic, the portraits were beautiful allowing the viewer to see and read about our talented students.

Miss Collins

The Hayward Huddle

The Hayward Huddle is a group of passionate young artists (16-19 years old) who collaborate with professional artists to create art for public display in London. They meet at the Hayward Gallery and create events for teenagers to get involved in.

On 30th March, the Hayward Huddle hosted an event for members of youth programmes at four other London galleries as part of the ‘Louis Vuitton Young Arts Project’. The event involved a tour of the ‘British Art Show 7: In the Days of the Comet’ exhibition, to film a review of our relationship to art. This also included a bit of dressing up and plenty of ice-cream!

Our Post-16 Art students, Jack Defer and Ian Hau were part of the planning group and helped lead the event along with a small selection of other Huddle members. Jack was also asked to interview one of the Hayward Gallery curators about the forth coming Tracy Emin show, ‘Love Is What You Want’ for a film to go on the ‘Louis Vuitton Young Arts’ website.

This is a fantastic group to get involved with if you want to make a contribution to the art world. For more information please see Ms Ashman.

You can find out more about the Louis Vuitton Young Arts Project at

Tuesday 15 February 2011

“Art Attack” Live Art and Design Event

The Art and Design Department created a dynamic live Art event which was filmed by Mr Morrell to be included in the next version of the schools’ promotional film “The River”.
Students from Year 7,8,9,12 and 13 all played a massive part in the project. The idea was to create a piece of Performance Art which would be presented in the great hall using professional lighting. The aim was for students to create a giant version of the school logo using their bodies, specifically coloured T-Shirts and painted cardboard symbols which the Year 13 Art and Design BTEC students had created as part of their lesson. It was also an opportunity to show how exciting Art and Design can be and that it takes many unusual forms which demand different sets of skills. Students had to be excellent Team Workers in order to make the event a success. After three practices and the whole filming in one take – the students did an amazing job! Look out for the final version on “The River”. Well done to everyone who was involved and a special thank you to Mr Morrell and his team.

The experience of doing this was fun because we got to work together to create performance art. I would definitely do it again” Daniel Cunnimgham 9MZ

I was glad to be part of this event.I liked it when we ran and crouched down like a hedgehog hiding.It was exciting” Craig Butler 7WR

"I enjoyed the experience because it was creative and exciting. We all used our Effective Participator and Team Worker PLTS Skills” Alice Crawley-Carr 7WR