Thursday 15 October 2009

Our Artists Get Inspired!

2009 saw the inaugural 'Get Inspired' event. Post-16 students were off timetable to attend a range of workshops and presentations by professional practitioners from Creative Industries.

'We had numerous artists and designers come into our school and talk to us about: their work, who they were inspired by, how to get into their field and give us some ideas about where we can develop our own work. I attended sessions with Sarah Lippett and Duncan Barrett from the illustration company 'Crayon Legs' and also Mark Lippett's presentation on his photography and sketches. The first session I attended was Gary Parsons who is a freelance illustrator who has work in newspapers, magazines and children's books. Personally, I really enjoyed hearing about where their ideas came from as it helped inspire me with some of my own. I enjoyed talking to different artists about their range of work and the different processes they go through in order to create an outcome. It was interesting learning about different techniques and to talk to designers who have created professional pieces of work that have been used commercially by the Media'.

Stuart Dyson, Year 13

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