Thursday 9 July 2009

Primary School Teacher’s INSET take off in The MediaArts Faculty

This Summer sees the launch of our MediaArts INSET courses for Primary school teacher’s from The Ravensbourne School’s feeder schools. Ms Ashman has set up a variety of Art and Media skills-based activities to ensure that primary staff have the opportunity to develop their ability to teach more creative activities to students in Year 6 and below. The Faculty is keen to build relationships with these Primary schools so that the student’s who will attend The Ravensbourne School in the future will have a more valuable transition period.

The first session to kick off this initiative was a Ceramics Workshop lead by Miss Scruton. This was well attended and the staff involved were taught a range of ceramic techniques including tile-making and coil pot construction. To assist the primary teacher’s delivery of clay workshops to their students, an information pack, including a glossary which aims to increase student’s artistic vocabulary and literacy skills, was provided.

This program of INSET will be delivered throughout the Summer and Autumn Terms by a range of Art and Media subject specialist staff.

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