Monday 9 February 2009

Post 16 Celebration Evening

The Post 16 Celebration Evening was not only a great success in terms of the MediaArts Faculty, but for the Post 16 community as a whole. The evening began with a showcase of work from a range of departments across the school, led by productions from the Drama department and interspersed with films, graphical imagery and displays from MediaArts. Physical displays were also placed in the Great Hall by various departments from around the school and a Post 16 band entertained the guests whist they perused these during the interval. A range of students, staff and the public attended and the evening was enjoyed by all. A number of comments were made during the evening about the quality of the work and the evening certainly had a positive impact for all departments involved. Year 13 BTEC Media students provided the technical support for the evening as well as a good deal of the film and digital graphic content involved and the students conducted themselves with their usual level of professionalism. The evening culminated with a very successful Christmas party for Post 16 students in the Refectory.
Mr Morrell

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