Tuesday 13 May 2008

Btec Students Visit Photofusion

Btec National Diploma Students in Art and Design visited Photofusion in Brixton as part of a unit of work which teaches them about Darkroom Techniques.

Photofusion is an open access darkroom and gallery space in London. As part of their trip Students got to see the Pavilion Commissions exhibition which displayed photographs from a prestigious fine art photography award. They also took part in tours of the darkroom and digital suite and a professional lighting workshop headed by a freelance photographer.

“At Photofusion we learnt about all the different processes that occur in a darkroom, such as colour and black and white processing. We saw how a professional darkroom worked and the different equipment that is used. We learnt about the business of Freelance Photography and setting up a studio.”

Isha Thomas, Year 12

“The layout of the exhibition was good and the images were intriguing. They weren’t of models, like magazine photography. They showed a different aspect of photography. Each image in the gallery was different and each photographer had a very different set of images. The exhibition was interesting and diverse.”

Hannah Rickards, Year 12

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