Friday 27 May 2011

The Ravensbourne School welcomes you to share in the achievements of their students at the end of the year art, media, textiles, graphics and resistant materials showcase.

Refreshments will be available.

Thursday 19 May 2011

London Sealife Aquarium Trip: Year 11 BTEC

On the 29th March, the Year 11 BTEC Art and Design students ventured off into central London to visit the ‘London Sealife Aquarium’. The trip was an opportunity for students to see a range of sea creatures up-close and then use this experience as inspiration for a final piece in their BTEC coursework.
“I enjoyed the trip, particularly when we walked over the see-through bridge right above the sharks swimming below. One of the good parts was the atmosphere of the aquarium; they played relaxing music while you watched the sea life. This was useful to me as an Art student as I got to see the creatures up close and recorded the colours, shapes and the way they moved through the water. I have used this trip as inspiration by creating a 3D starfish sculpture and using the photo’s to inspire my design.”
Emma Read BE
“I thought the trip was amazing. We got to see sharks, sting rays, jelly fish – the lot! The best part of the trip was when, we were shown a group of star fish – which we were allowed to touch. When we got back I made a giant batik banner inspired by everything I saw at The London Sealife Aquarium.”
Gemma Djaffer 11BY
“Watching the sea life creatures swim around and glimmer in their tanks, truly inspired me. I have gained knowledge and have been inspired by many of the things I saw in the aquarium. By participating on this trip, I have been motivated to make a batik banner of a shark as part of my BTEC coursework”
Callum Peckham 11CC