Tuesday 15 February 2011

“Art Attack” Live Art and Design Event

The Art and Design Department created a dynamic live Art event which was filmed by Mr Morrell to be included in the next version of the schools’ promotional film “The River”.
Students from Year 7,8,9,12 and 13 all played a massive part in the project. The idea was to create a piece of Performance Art which would be presented in the great hall using professional lighting. The aim was for students to create a giant version of the school logo using their bodies, specifically coloured T-Shirts and painted cardboard symbols which the Year 13 Art and Design BTEC students had created as part of their lesson. It was also an opportunity to show how exciting Art and Design can be and that it takes many unusual forms which demand different sets of skills. Students had to be excellent Team Workers in order to make the event a success. After three practices and the whole filming in one take – the students did an amazing job! Look out for the final version on “The River”. Well done to everyone who was involved and a special thank you to Mr Morrell and his team.

The experience of doing this was fun because we got to work together to create performance art. I would definitely do it again” Daniel Cunnimgham 9MZ

I was glad to be part of this event.I liked it when we ran and crouched down like a hedgehog hiding.It was exciting” Craig Butler 7WR

"I enjoyed the experience because it was creative and exciting. We all used our Effective Participator and Team Worker PLTS Skills” Alice Crawley-Carr 7WR