Wednesday 26 May 2010

Doodle 4 Google-I LOVE FOOTBALL

Students went footy mad for this years Doodle for Google Competition!

This year’s drawing competition is about the passion for a great sport, football. One of the most played and followed sports in the world, football has its own culture that goes beyond frontiers or teams. Students were required to represent their passion for football. Doodle 4 Google – I love football is not about supporting one team or country over another, it’s about the passion for football that gathers people around TV sets or in stadiums, around the world.

Images show some of the work selected to represent TRS in the national competition.

The TRS winner is Max Henry, Year 8

BTEC Art and Design Student Creates Year Book for the class of 2009.

Our talented Art and Design BTEC student; Aylin Unlu, has recently completed the design for the Year 11 Year Book 2009. Aylin has used a range of digital Illustration skills to complete the design which features text and imagery from the Year Group. Aylin was set the brief as part of her course and has done a fantastic job with the design work.
Aylin has worked closely with members of staff to produce the professional-looking finished product. This is not the first project Aylin has worked on for the Art Department; she has designed logos and created a wonderful exhibition in the Humanities Corridor. Alyn’s hard work has been recognised by winning The Jack Petchy award.
“I’ve really enjoyed all of the projects I’ve been able to do for the Art Department, and am really happy to have won The Jack Petchy award. I based my design of the Year 11 Year Book on the idea of creating a scrapbook of memories for the year group, using Photoshop to create pages of photos of the students with quotes from their form tutors.”
Aylin Unlu Year 13