Saturday 5 December 2009

Mr Dunk in Print

We are proud to report that our resident film expert and member of the MediaArts Faculty, has had work published. Mr Dunk has written an article on the French documentary film maker, Jean Rouch, for ‘Media Magazine’. This has been published in their online supplement available for media students, and teacher, across the country.

Check out the December issue today!

Tuesday 1 December 2009

ECM Logo!

Our talented BTEC National student; Philippa Williams, has designed and helped to produce an ECM Logo which will be used throughout the school on “Every Child Matters” documents. The students in the Year 13 Art and Design class have experienced creating Logos for the school and this includes creating a Gifted and Talented Logo used by Mr Murrells (G&T Lead Teacher) The logo design fits into a digital illustration unit that the students are completing on their BTEC Art and Design course. The students have experienced using a range of digital techniques and have developed these by creating the logos. Philippa worked hard to think of a striking design and developed her ideas to fit the brief set by Mrs Moorey(Assistant Head) and Miss Fitzgerald(Director of ECM).

Miss Scruton, Teacher of Art. “The design I have created represents how I see the school community. The meaning of “Every Child Matters” is how every pupil in the school should be considered as an individual. I have symbolised this in the design by using three primary colours (the are the key elements which make all other colours)and making each figure a slightly different size and shape to support the idea that everyone is different and should be treated so.The oval around the three characters creates an idea of how our school should be a community and the students welfare should be the first priority”

Philippa Williams Year 13

The London Student Awards 2009

Art and Design students from Y10 were invited to enter the Art category of the student design awards. This year’s design task was to:

‘Design a Poster that could promote a poster about your school’

The Art teachers presented the competition to all Y10 Art and Design students during an Art lesson in November and students had 2 weeks to produce a design. Students were encouraged to think about what their school means to them, including friends, staff and the community. Students thought creatively around the challenge and there was a diverse spectrum of ideas ranging from the ‘TRS High school musical’ poster to Ghost Tales from the Discovery library…not to mention a few Zombie posters! The winning design will be selected from all of London school’s and will be rewarded with a days work experience with The Press Association-going out on location with a Photographer and they will be lucky enough to see their images live on the PA website.

Drop by the Art Department if you would like to see some of the Posters on display!

Miss Underhill