Thursday 12 March 2009

BTEC Media Students Help Local Hospital

Still from the training video.

Year 13 BTEC Media students have achieved great success in making a professional training DVD for the Paediatrics Department at Princess Royal University Hospital in Farnborough.
The school was approached by a Senior College Tutor and Doctor in the Paediatric unit at the hospital to produce a training DVD which would consist of lectures and information for new Doctors beginning their training with the Bromley NHS Trust. Year 13 BTEC Media students took on the task and after spending a few weeks planning and script writing, visited the hospital on nine occasions to film footage for the piece, amassing around 6 hours of raw footage.
The students acted in a thoroughly professional manner and were credited for their sensitivity in the environment and their approach to the work. The arduous task of editing was undertaken by the same group of students and the DVD was delivered to the hospital in time for their new intake of students in March.
Dr Ahmed, the doctor responsible at PRUH is quoted as saying “You would not believe how impressed people are. I am getting emails and phone calls from the staff who have contributed and they have liked it so much.” The project has been a success on another front; all students who took part in the project have gained invaluable live production experience and have achieved good grades towards their BTEC National Diploma course.

Art Work for St Mary's Biblethon Festival 2009

A range of students from the Art Department have worked incredibly hard in their free time to create a striking banner to be displayed in this years’ Biblethon at St Mary’s Church, Bromley. Supervised by Miss Wright and Miss Scruton, the students ranging from the ages of 11-16 have depicted various stories from the Bible to create a visual impact on the festival.

Peter Fall of St Mary’s Church was delighted with the banner which is displayed on a main wall of the church, opposite the entrance. He stated that “the students have worked incredibly hard to create such a striking piece of work”.