Friday 5 December 2008

Creative Opportunities for All; the MediaArts Creative Launch

Students Launch Rave FM, guided by Mr Muzio.

Crafty kids develop their making skills.

There was great excitement from young and old alike at lunchtime on the 4th December 2008. The MediaArts Faculty and the Music department showcased a number of their extra-curricular clubs; currently available to all students at The Ravensbourne School. Mr Muzio skillfully demonstrated our new radio station equipment to budding presenters whilst Mr. Berry and special guests treated us to a DJ master-class. Mr. Morrell and his BTEC students were busy showing off their new toy; a camera boom which gives a new dimension to film-making by making dramatic ariel and tracking shots possible. Mr. Murrells and Miss Barclay proudly projected the results of their Cineclub endeavours with a professional piece of student film-making. Miss. Underhill, Miss. Scruton and Ms. Wright left technology behind and mesmerised students with their craft skills.

It really was excellent to see our Year 11 and Post-16 students freely give up their time to assist our Ks3 students throughout their lunchtime. They were a credit to themselves and a great asset to the school. The event was about getting Ks3 students involved in all of the creative clubs we offer everyday of the school week. We sincerely hope that any undecided students have now take the opportunity to follow one or more of the exciting clubs available at TRS.

John Attwood
Assistant Head of

Clubs available at The Ravensbourne School include;

Key Skills Club, Life Drawing Class, Global Street Art Club, Gifted & Talented Art Club, Music Technology, Samba Drumming, String Group, Dance Band, and Cine Club.